TV viewing today is not what it was in the 1900’s or even early 2000’s. Markets are fragmented and combined with the explosion of (DVR) digital video recorders; TV advertising is a diminishing utility. As parents, our busy lives go passing by in the blink of an eye so our digital team conceptualized, created, and executed a digital infrastructure to inform, counsel, motivate, and assist parents of children with birth defects.
In 2013, most attorneys were not willing to help mothers who took Zofran for nausea while pregnant and now suffering with a child born with serious birth defects. We were receiving calls every day from parents who wanted answers.
With no family history of cleft palate, VSD, ASD, and other serious heart conditions, parents were asking us if there could be a link to Zofran. The mission was to create a message that asks questions rather than inform while gathering valuable data related to the appearance of “clusters” of VSD, ASD, cleft palate Zofran takers.
We were not looking to inform initially, we needed to learn about their pain directly from the source. By creating closed group forums with like minded parents dealing with similar issues, we earned their trust and they earned ours.
It became a digital relationship between us; our possible claimants, and each other. By accepting the power of digital and streaming media, it allowed us to communicate on a personal level with an unprecedented standard of care.
Schmidt National Law built out a robust web, mobile and video delivery platform for the Zofran campaign, and we leveraged it by creating private forums with valuable tools.
Schmidt’s digital team quickly gathered data being offered by parents in our groups, and then we took it to attorney Kimberly Barone Baden at Motley Rice, who investigated the claims for months before agreeing to help these parents and children.
Once we had her support, and they received scientific studies back, we were able to shift our digital focus from asking questions to signing up claimants. We had amassed a private support group with over 20,000 members of parents with children facing the same signfature injuries after taking Zofran.
During our three year Zofran partnership, we have been able to help thousands of parents seek justice. We are proud and grateful to work with firms like Motley Rice, Grant & Eisenhofer, and Janet, Jenner & Suggs who are compassionate about helping people suffering without a voice.
Read about some of our higher profile Case Studies and learn how we use a granular approach to identify specific claimant needs.